Monday, October 19, 2009

Things that go BOOM in the night

Three A.M. on Sunday morning.   A loud cracking boom in the night filled with constant rain.  I thought it was thunder but I was so sleepy and forgot that this in the Northwest and not New England.  The western part of Washington rarely has thunder.  The power went out confirming my erroneous suspicion that it was thunder... somewhere....   4 AM and time to get up (had to go to work this past Sunday).  No power.  But houses down the street still had porch lights.  A call to the power company.  Only my house is reporting.  A truck arrives and then there are two.  I can hear the men discuss the problem out there in the dark.  I wait for enlightenment.  It comes after 6 AM.   A dead Madrona tree on the far corner of the property has fallen on the house.  It smashed the electric pole on the roof and took out the meter and other electrical things that connect to panel inside the house.  How amazing to have lived in the forests of New Hampshire all those years and tree filled yard in Boston and never have had a tree pay a personal visit with the roof.  The land lord said he would send someone around some time on Monday to check for structural damage...okay, better late than never.  The men from Peninsula Electric were gracious and kind.  I kept thinking how brave those workers were...dealing with electrical power on a raining pitch dark early hours morning.   It is now Monday and still raining.  No trees on the roof though.  Something to add to the gratitude list!


Tes said...

Oh wow, it's a good thing you're safe. What a scary event. You are actually brave and prompt in dealing with the situation. Presence of mind counts a lot! The electric company and your landlord are quick to respond -that's good!

I always like to be surrounded by trees, very refreshing, but sometimes, there are setbacks. Be careful, OK. Keep safe! *hugs*

WR said...

Thank you so much for your kind note!
Body and soul are safe and in the end that is what counts. :)

Donna said...

Scary! Hope the damage gets fixed soon! And yes, electrical workers are unsung heroes who have to do dangerous work in many bad weather conditions.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Oh my goodness!! What a thing to happen!! A good thing you are safe and sound. I would probably got the fright of my life. :)