Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Blush of Autumn

The week end slipped quietly by me.  Saturday was lost to exhaustion and much needed sleep.  Sunday was bright and beautiful.  Easy to photograph my little part of the world when the sun turns everything it touches to red, yellow and gold.  On Sunday afternoon I had lunch with a friend that I have not seen in 5 years.  She looks wonderful but life has not been gentle with her.  She is a resilient soul and no matter the sorrow piled on her door step ~ she continues to move forward.  We sat there slowly eating salads and sipping coffee, chatting about where life has taken each of us.  We've each moved, left failed relationships, watched children grow into adulthood, and struggled our struggles.  So much time has passed and yet so little has changed in the friendship.  Saying goodbye this afternoon I believe  we parted reconnected.  Friendship is precious, as golden as the power of autumn.

1 comment:

Tes said...

Beautiful photo, can't help it, I was drawn! You captured it's essence beautifully!