Monday, November 12, 2007

Carbon Negative Relief

What a relief to read that heating with wood is carbon negative - a non-fossil fuel heat source. Living in a rural area - heating a even a small home is a challenge. Buying a cord of wood is also a challenge. As with all fuel, the price has had a dramatic price jump. Last year a $125. for a cord and now as much as $220. I'm searching for one more cord but $220 is out of my price range! I heat water and cook with propane. Reading about carbon foot prints informed me that heating with water is a costly use of fossil fuel. If it were my house I think I would consider solar for the hot water. Now I'm heating water on the wood stove for all cleaning chores as well as putting a bit of moisture back in the air.. Showers are limited to 3 minutes (just as well - the bathroom is on the far side of the house and is rarely warmer than 50F). Am determined to make the 75 gallons last for another 10 months. This house has an oil tank but it's contents are being saved for the worst of winter - if needed to keep the pipes from freezing.

Today's walk found that some hunter built a new foot bridge across the stream on the edge of the property. What a kind stranger! The old bridge has slipped off the bank and is under water.
Tye was braver than I and made the first pass over to the stream. Slow coach that I am, I did finally slowly make it across as well...trusty cane to help me keep my balance! :-)

The woods are blissfully quiet. The yellow tape here and there suggests this path is used by snow mobilers during the winter months. Fine by me - it will almost be like having company!

Found the foundation of the saw mill I thought was a decayed bridge. Am still looking for the cranberry bog. Walked to the edge of the marsh on the back of the property. It looks as though I could navigate it with my kayak in the spring. Speaking of kayaking, am also dreaming about fishing...surely some of these streams are home to brook trout. Something to ponder during the long winter (the beginning of which is now 40 days away).

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