Sunday, June 19, 2011

Week -End Drives

The above photo is a view of Mt. Shasta from I-5.  Am planning a slower drive through parts of Northern Calif. and much of Oregon this summer.  

Quiet farm land always whispers 'peace' to me.  Am wondering if that is first cut hay peeking out of the barn door?


the walking man said...

It is well past time for a road trip...hmmm but where to go, where to go...

Donna said...

Bet you can't wait!
Does look like the first of it...Fields around here are full of it...
Happy Sunday!

Donna said...

You need to be exploring beautiful countrysides like that - for sure!!!

Sheryl Hastings said...

I love photos of old barns and buildings. I try to get them as I see them. I also love Sunday drives. We took one last weekend.

Out on the prairie said...

Sometimes when I cruise I get lost in the land. The poor drivers behind me, I do pull off to let the traffic flow.I try not to miss anything.

VaishVijay said...

Barn, I can smell fresh hey already!

TQ for visiting n commenting on my blog:)