Saturday, September 25, 2010

Technical Difficulties! Photo Challenge

I actually have photos for the Brenda Photo Challenge but have run into transfer problems.  Am resorting to older photos that have been previously posted until I can resolve the camera - computer connection problem:
1) autumn on Fox Island
2) Farm Stand in Gig Harbor
3) Water feature at the Spring garden show in Seattle.

Hope all are well and thriving out there in Cyberville.

As a catch up.  I am 6.5 weeks post op and working five days a week again.  Still working on getting full range of motion in the knee.  Just joined the Y to take advantage of their pools and exercise equipment.  July, August and September are sort of a blur.  Just really feeling like me again.  Have nearly unpacked.  Am watching the evening sunlight fade and long for the late sun filled evenings of summer.  Autumn has her own rewards....a festival of color, warm days and crisp nights.

Now that I am walker/crutch/cane free I hope to be out peering at nature again.  Will spend some time visiting all your blogs ~ then out into the world...I've missed it! :-)


Out on the prairie said...

Good to hear you are returning to fit again. Hope the pool and all help out.Like the fountain, it is very unusual.I am reading a book"Last Child In The Woods" and it cites many studies showing the healing powers of enjoying nature,

WR said...

The fountain was viewed at the Spring Flower Show. What fun it would be to have that kind of water feature in the back yard. I'll look that book up. Have a great week end. Am thoroughly enjoying your blog. Loved the recent tender story of the couple mending fences!

Anonymous said...

Well I'm glad that you are doing well my friend. That's good news :) Your pictures are spectacular. I like every one of them. It's the pits when there are computer problems. Drives me nuts. I love that fountain :) Well done :) Have a great Saturday :)

Ann said...

old or new those photos fit the bill for the challenge.

WR said...

Hi Thom~ Great to hear from you. Your photos have me thinking that perhaps a cruise to Hawii might be in order. See some the of those beautiful sights up close.

WR said...

Many thanks Ann!

Jeanette said...

Gret pics in spite of your technical difficulties!

ruthinian said...

awesome photos of orange thingies. love those pumpkins.

Donna said...

I tried to leave a message on your previous post a couple of weeks ago, and blogger was acting up horribly. I'm glad that you are doing better from the knee replacement. I know about that "blur" statement. The combination of rehab and pain medication makes it seem like you are in a different world from reality. There IS light at the end of the really long tunnel. My trip to the British Columbia wilderness is proof that you can get around pretty acceptable a year after surgery! Keep at the rehab and you'll get to that magical 120 degrees!

Thank you for sharing your lovely orange pictures too!

WR said...

Hi Donna
I do love BC ~ nice yo hear that you had a great time. I imagine we will be seeing some specatular photos from you on this please do share!

Have been off the pain medication for awhile but sleep has been problematic until a couple of days ago. My therapists are great ~ tough as nails but they do get me to where I need to be. I love the imagie of hiking a year from now! :-) Thanks so much for your support and empathy!

Lynn said...

Problems or not, you did a great the pumpkins photo.

Janice said...

I think you have some wonderful pictures in your files! They are all beautiful and fit the theme perfectly!
Glad you are doing better and getting around without assistance!

Donna said...

GEEZ!! I Finally Made it!!Hahaaa...been in CT.
Love these! I Know about computers and their offspring problems!! These shots are just great!
Hope you are improving Daily sweetie!! Stay with it!!

Donna said...

LOVE the water feature!!! How Different!
Hope you're healing nicely sweetie!!! Sorry to be Late!!