The seven days somehow rushed by in slow motion. The first day on board was spent trying not to be lost: winding around stair cases; navigating forward, mid ship and aft elevators; locating various dining rooms and then somehow making it back to the stateroom. I and dozens of other passengers bundled up and hunkered down on deck 14 in order to watch our ship glide through Puget Sound and transport us to Juneau, Alaska. The trip was relaxing and somehow magical. I was able to sample the immense beauty that is the Alaskan coast, observe whales, sea otters, dozens of bald eagles, dolphins and seals. The towns were quaint and small compared to the land surrounding them. The forests are green and stretch for as far as the eye can see. The air is crisp and pristine. We traveled to glaciers and sailed past enormous ice bergs. The glaciers are receding at the rate of 70 feet a year. The best example of that is demonstrated in Juneau at the site of the Mendenhal glacier because one can take a easy hike to it and face its enormous size and the turquoise of the dense ice, even touch it and know you have touched time itself. Saw a number of “locals” with hybrid huskie/wolf dogs. I learned more about mushing, native people, and severe winters. I took a tour through a rain forest (Juneau amazingly enough has a temperate climate and receives more rain than snow. Ketchikan which is south of Juneau receives 200 inches of rain a year...makes Puget Sound seem a desert)! The environment was amazing and images still float in my head. As for cruising. I would do that again in a heart beat. How nice to visit so many different locations and never have to change hotel rooms. I enjoyed talking to crew and fellow passengers alike. Both groups were diverse and many spoke little to no English and some how it was all good. Will be thinking about this for awhile. The only troubled spot of the trip was the return to find that one of two SD cards was corrupt and therefore 400 photos disappeared. Ah well, that seems to be my destiny these days so I will rely on memory to conjure up thoughts of part of the trip. Whatever the magic of the journey, I have returned relaxed and ready to jump back into life.
It is difficult to even know where to begin in describing this journey. I will sort through memory and photos this week and continue to post for several days....
Can't wait for more photos!! Looks and sounds like you had Fun!!
What a pretty picture up there. I really need to get up to Alaska one of these days...
Welcome back! Once you see that magnificent scenery, you're never the same again! Just reading your words brought many images, sounds, and smells back in my memory. Ship cruising is quite a great unwinder too because you only unpack once!
so, reading backwards through your blog I see that you, like me, are a visitor to Alaska and as enchanted as I was.
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